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Medical Terminology Certificate Program

  • 12 Weeks
  • 147 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Language: English Delivery Method: Online Program Length: 80 hours Medicine by itself is a challenge and knowing the terminologies is most essential if you wish to join the healthcare team. Communication between healthcare professionals is the priority in any health industry. In order to have a successful career in healthcare, one must be able to communicate and understand the medical terms, abbreviations and context, meaning, and basic medicine. This course will help you learn and understand the medical language that is used by health care professionals around the globe. About The Instructor: Ms. Celine Joseph Bachelor - Dental Surgery Certificate - Health Informatics Certificate - BLS & First Aid This program has 122 steps that contain 100+ topics, over 500 terminology and explanations and a lot more to learn. Get your certificate at an affordable cost.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app

Course Outline


Single Payment
Medical Bundle
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